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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Many of us have wondered, how can we change some of the PHP directives to match some script requirements? Even though this might sound complicated, it is much easier than it looks.

First, we should know a few facts about PHP directives and where they reside. We have 3 levels of php.ini file levels:

1) Server global php.ini (this file resides in the server configuration and this cannot be edited by the users in a shared hosting environment).

2) User global php.ini (this file usually resides in the main folder for a user website, like public_html and this serves all the php scripts that fall under the user account).

3) User local php.ini file (this file is not limited to a specific path and can be deployed by the user wherever he feels he needs to change some parameters for some script).

Now, an interesting question arises: how does this work? The answer is pretty simple. PHP interpreter looks for the php.ini files from down upwards, meaning it looks for a user local file, if the file is not there, it looks in the folder above and then above until it reaches the main folder for the user account. If it fails to find any custom user php.ini file, the interpreter reverts to the global php.ini file for directives.

This is very useful for creating custom php.ini files. You can have the global file serve all your PHP directive needs. If you need a certain directive overwritten (we will show how soon), you simply create a php.ini file in the folder where your script resides, and add that directive. The changes will only affect script files running on this folder and any subfolders below that folder. Parent folders will revert to the php.ini file in their respective folder or their parent folder, and so on.

Now, how to create a php.ini file? This also seems like rocket science (this analogy is obsolete nowadays) but it is very simple. There are 2 ways of doing this:

- Login into your control panel, open your favorite file manager, in my case, it is “file manager”.

- Navigate to the folder you wish to add the file, click on “new file”, enter the name of the file which is php.ini (please note that this is the only acceptable file name, all lowercase).

- Open the file in the editor by clicking on the edit button. And add the parameters you wish to change in the following order:


variable = value;
variabl2 = value2;

In my case, it is the following:


max_execution_time = 60;

memory_limit = 256M;

upload_max_filesize = 256M;

post_max_size = 256M;

- Save the file and exit.

The second way you can add this file is by logging onto your FTP and adding the file or uploading it after creating it locally.

The last portion of this tutorial will discuss how to check if your changes have been reflected or not and what php.ini file is actually being used to process scripts in a specific location. You can create a PHP file (using the same steps as above) with the following content:

You have to go to your browser and open the PHP file. This script will simply display all the information for your PHP environment. We are now interested in one field, the “loaded configuration file”. This directive will show you which file is being used to obtain the directives for the PHP file you just created and executed.

Please note that you only need to include the directives which values you want changed and not all the values that are globally defined.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How to change or find your wordpress password

How to change or find your wordpress password

To Change Your Password
To change your password in current versions:

In the Admin Panel menu, go to USERS
Click on your username in the list to edit
In the Edit User screen, scroll down to the New Password section and type in a new password in the two boxes provided. The strength box will show how good (strong) your password is.
Click the UPDATE PROFILE button
Your new password takes effect immediately.
Through the automatic emailer
If you know your username and the email account in your profile, you can use the "lost password" feature of WordPress.

Go to your WordPress Login page (something like
Click on lost password
You will be taken to a page to put in some details. Enter your user name and the email address on file for that account.
Wait happily as your new password is emailed to you.
Once you get your new password, login and change it to something you can remember on your profile page.
Through MySQL Command Line
Get an MD5 hash of your password.
Visit md5 Hash Generator, or...
Create a key with Python. or...
On Unix/Linux:
Create file wp.txt with the new password in it (and *nothing* else)
md5sum wp.txt
rm wp.txt
"mysql -u root -p" (log in to MySQL)
enter your mysql password
"use (name-of-database)" (select WordPress database)
"show tables;" (you're looking for a table name with "users" at the end)
"SELECT ID, user_login, user_pass FROM (name-of-table-you-found)" (this gives you an idea of what's going on inside)
"UPDATE (name-of-table-you-found) SET user_pass="(MD5-string-you-made)" WHERE ID = (id#-of-account-you-are-reseting-password-for)" (actually changes the password)
"SELECT ID, user_login, user_pass FROM (name-of-table-you-found)" (confirm that it was changed)
(type Control-D, to exit mysql client)
Note if you have a recent version of MySQL (version 5.x?) you can have MySQL compute the MD5 hash for you.

Skip step 1. above.
Do the following for step 7. instead.
"UPDATE (name-of-table-you-found) SET user_pass = MD5('"(new-password)"') WHERE ID = (id#-of-account-you-are-reseting-password-for)" (actually changes the password)
Through phpMyAdmin
This article is for those who have phpMyAdmin access to their database. Note: use phpMyAdmin at your own risk. If you doubt your ability to use it, seek further advice. WordPress is not responsible for loss of data.

Begin by logging into phpMyAdmin and click databases.

A list of databases will appear. Click your WordPress database.

All the tables in your database will appear. If not, click Structure.
Look for wp_users.
Click on the icon for browse.
Locate your Username under user_login
Click edit

Your user_id will be shown, click on Edit
Next to the user_pass is a long list of numbers and letters.
Select and delete these and type in your new password.
Type in the password you want to use. Just type it in normally, but remember, it is case-sensitive.
In this example, the new password will be 'rabbitseatcarrots'
Once you have done that, click the dropdown menu indicated, and select MD5 from the menu.

Check that your password is actually correct, and that MD5 is in the box.
Click the 'Go' button to the bottom right.
Test the new password on the login screen. If it doesn't work, check that you've followed these instructions exactly.

Other Tutorials using phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin at tamba2
Reset a WordPress password from phpMyAdmin
Through FTP
There is also an easy way to reset your password via FTP, if you're using the admin user.

1. Login to your site via FTP and download your active theme's functions.php file.

2. Edit the file and add this code to it, right at the beginning, after the first < ? php: wp_set_password('password',1); Put in your own new password for the main admin user. The "1" is the user ID number in the wp_users table. 3. Upload the modified file back to your site. 4. After you then are able to login, make sure to go back and remove that code. It will reset your password on every page load until you do. Using the Emergency Password Reset Script If the other solutions listed above won't work, then try the Emergency Password Reset Script. It is not a Plugin. It is a PHP script. Warnings Requires you know the administrator username. It updates the administrator password and sends an email to the administrator's email address. If you don't receive the email, the password is still changed. You do not need to be logged in to use it. If you could login, you wouldn't need the script. Place this in the root of your WordPress installation. Do not upload this to your WordPress Plugins directory. Delete the script when you are done for security reasons. Directions for use Copy the emergency script from Emergency Password Script and put into a file called emergency.php in the root of your WordPress installation (the same directory that contains wp-config.php). In your browser, open As instructed, enter the administrator username (usually admin) and the new password, then click Update Options. A message is displayed noting the changed password. An email is sent to the blog administrator with the changed password information. Delete emergency.php from your server when you are done. Do not leave it on your server as someone else could use it to change your password. Changing your password in older versions To change your password in WordPress v1.2: In the Admin Panel, go to PROFILE Scroll down to the bottom and type in the new password in the two boxes provided Click the UPDATE PROFILE button Your new password takes effect immediately. To change your password in WordPress v1.5: In the Admin Panel, go to USERS From the "Your Profile" tab, scroll to the bottom and type in the new password in the two boxes provided. Click the UPDATE PROFILE button Your new password takes effect immediately. To change your password in WordPress v2.0: In the Admin Panel, go to USERS (or Profile) From the "Your Profile" tab, scroll down to the Update Your Password section and type in a new password in the two boxes provided. Click the UPDATE PROFILE button Your new password takes effect immediately.

How to Successfully Transfer wordpress website to a new domain and web hosting

How to Successfully Transfer wordpress website to a new domain and web hosting.

To transfer to a new domain and web hosting you need to first, copy the entire

wordpress website and here is how to do this.

If the wordpress website is at the root directory /

select all of the files and folders, the compress it and name the directory
your website name for tracking down what the site is about. It could be download this to your pc.

If it's in a sub folder then just right click on that

folder, then compress it and download it to pc.

Next go to your phpmyadmin witch is in your cpanel, pick the database that setup

this website, go to export at the top menu.

Export Method; click on

Custom - display all possible options

Format; select sql

Click go!

sql file download pops up with


download it to your pc, choose save file so you know where to download it at,

lets download it to the desktop.

Now we have saved all our wordpress website by downloading the whole website to

our pc, and we then saved our sql file, now its time to put this on our new

hosting and new domain.

Let's login to the new domain cpanel, install wordpress through cpanel.

Now lets go to the files we have saved of wordpress, we need to take out the


put it somewhere as a backup, but you wont need this in the new site

Zip up the website again, and then upload it to the new host, extract it and now

go to phpmyadmin, pick the wordpress database, once inside that database, select

all the database entries and drop/delete them.

Now Let's go to import and import that wordpress sql file in to this database

Browse your computer option, choose a file button, insert the sql file.

Character set of the file; select utf-8

format; select sql

format specific options; sql compatibility mode; leave blank

check this box Do not use auto_increment for zero values

then click go!

sql file is now imported

That's it!

Now you have your orginal wordpress website!

All done!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Backup Pro - Backup any files, exe, pdf, html, php, doc, jpg, zip, pass protect




Backup Pro - Backup any files, exe, pdf, html, php, doc, jpg, zip, pass protect

Saturday, November 26, 2011

NEW 2011 - Eminem - Hip Hop Feat. Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, DMX, Jay-Z & 2Pac - HOT

NEW 2011 - Eminem - Hip Hop Feat. Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, DMX, Jay-Z & 2Pac - HOT VIDEO


NEW 2011 - Eminem - Hip Hop Feat. Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, DMX, Jay-Z & 2Pac - HOT

Friday, November 25, 2011

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INTERNET BUSINESS adsense: HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED HOW PEOPLE MAKE MONEY THROUGH THE INTERNET BY DOING ALMOST NOTHING? THESE PEOPLE RUN A LEGITIMATE INTERNET BUSINESS WHERE THERE IS: No need to sell any products or services No need to have any employees No need to invest any money (or invest very little money) No need to spend effort or time in any business activities No need to look for clients or customers Amazing, isn’t it? But what’s their secret?
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INTERNET BUSINESS adsense: HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED HOW PEOPLE MAKE MONEY THROUGH THE INTERNET BY DOING ALMOST NOTHING? THESE PEOPLE RUN A LEGITIMATE INTERNET BUSINESS WHERE THERE IS: No need to sell any products or services No need to have any employees No need to invest any money (or invest very little money) No need to spend effort or time in any business activities No need to look for clients or customers Amazing, isn’t it? But what’s their secret?

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Change Wordpress domain name! Wordpress Url is Redirecting to another url, or I can't login to wordpress

Change Wordpress domain name!

Before doing below steps this is to change the url Heres the link cited short desc of above link if not working change the config file with a url tags change the your active theme functions.php page with url tags

Wordpress Url is Redirecting to another url.

or I can't login to wordpress website problem.


Look at this link

Here is the brake down of the must read part, if this part does not work then go back to this link above and work out other steps, or even type in keywords for your problem and take notes of every error message from your wordpress website.


Changing The Site URL

On the Settings->General screen in a single site installation of WordPress, there are two fields named "WordPress address (URL)" and "Site address (URL)". These are also known as the "Home" and "Site URL" settings. They are important settings, since they controls where WordPress thinks your site is located. They control the display of the URL in the admin section of your page as well as the front end, and are used throughout the WordPress code.

Every once in a while, somebody finds a need to manually change (or fix) these settings. Usually this happens when they change one or both and discover that their site no longer works properly. This can leave the user with no easily discoverable way to correct the problem. This article tells you how to change these settings directly.

Additional information is presented here for the case where you are moving WordPress from one site to another, as this will also require changing the site URL. You should not attempt to use this additional information if you're only attempting to correct a "broken" site.
Alert! These directions are for single installs of WordPress only. If you are using WordPress MultiSite, you will need to manually edit your database.

1 Changing the Site URL
1.1 Edit wp-config.php
1.2 Edit functions.php
1.3 Relocate method
1.4 Changing the URL directly in the database
2 Moving Sites
2.1 Altering Table Prefixes
2.2 Changing Template Files
2.3 Changing the Config file
2.4 Verify the Profile
2.5 Changing the .htaccess file
2.6 Additional items of note
2.6.1 Important GUID Note
2.7 Multi-site notes

Changing the Site URL

There's four easy methods to change the Site URL manually. Any of these methods will work and perform much the same function.
Edit wp-config.php

It is possible to set the site URL manually in the wp-config.php file.

Add these two lines to your wp-config.php, where "" is the correct location of your site.


This is not necessarily the best fix, it's just hardcoding the values into the site itself. You won't be able to edit them on the General settings page anymore when using this method.
Edit functions.php

If you have access to the site via FTP, then this method will help you quickly get a site back up and running, if you changed those values incorrectly.

1. FTP to the site, and get a copy of the active theme's functions.php file. You're going to edit it in a simple text editor (like notepad) and upload it back to the site.

2. Add these two lines to the file, immediately after the initial "

Use your own URL instead of, obviously.

3. Upload the file back to your site, in the same location. FileZilla offers a handy "edit file" function to do all of the above rapidly; if you can use that, do so.

4. Load the login or admin page a couple of times. The site should come back up.

5. Repeat the above steps, but remove those lines. IMPORTANT: Do NOT leave those lines in there. Remove them immediately after the site is up and running again.

If there is no functions.php file in the theme:

Create a new text file called "functions.php".

Edit it with notepad, and add this text to it, using your own URL instead of


Upload that to your theme directory, then proceed as stated above. Remove the file afterwards.

contact me at

crystals palace at yola site


reselling market

Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to add a new page in Dolphin 7 social website

How to add a new page in Dolphin 7 social website

I have found this tutorial on how you can add a new page to dolphin 7 social media website, I hope this article will be of some service for your business.

dolphin 7 RMS address web cam, chat, video chat setup

dolphin 7 RMS address web cam, chat, video chat setup

Here is an article

You need to setup rms with your hosting company that runs your dolphin website, some hosts support dolphin like does, if you get there hosting remember to add rms for free, or ask them to set it up so you have access to each domain you want to run dolphin chat, video chat, web cams on.

Here is what I did to my dolphin 7.0.8 setup

I went to the rms located in admin flash apps, click on settings to set this up like this

check this box use rms

rms address

rms port 1935

rms http port 5080

save this

remember to connect your host to have access to rms as well or you will get connection error

I would go with if you dont have a good host to run dolphin and they have live 24/7 chat

If you need help or want to look at my websites

dolphin 7 banners - How to put my Banners, Google Adsense, Ads in to Dolphin 7 Website

dolphin 7 banners - How to put my Banners, Google Adsense, Ads in to Dolphin 7 Website

If you have a dolphin 7 social chat script website, and want to find out how to setup your banners, google adsense, post ads in to a social networking chat website such as dolphin 7, here is some great tips on how to do just that here.

I will be opening up my own dolphin 7 chat, so if you want to browse what dolphin 7 chat is here is a few domains of mine it might be on, any questions go to my main yola site website, this is where i connect all my domains that should be working, I change my domains all the time so having a free site to post all your domains in one is great.

My main website, yola site is

My reselling market website, this is a resell market products site reselling market

My bay area mobile chat website, bay area chat, social bay area website, chat with friends or learn about the bayarea people.

Chatter friends is a social chat with friends network, free video chat with friends, record webcams, share youtube videos on social networks. chatter friends

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Friday, October 14, 2011


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Finding Hot Products to Sell on eBay

Finding Hot Products to Sell on eBay

Finding what sell's on ebay is easy just watch the video, to sign up for a free account to watch more go here!

If you can't access the website please go to my main website to see if we have moved

I hope you enjoy your video

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Big Ebay Day


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

delete adsense account or romove adsense account beware

delete adsense account or romove adsense account beware

If you delete your Google Account:

•You'll permanently remove the Google products associated with that account, such as your orkut profile, your iGoogle page, and your Web History.
•If you use Gmail with your account, you'll no longer be able to access that email. You'll also be unable to reuse your Gmail username.
Before deleting your Google account

Before deleting your Google Account, review the data associated with your account on the Google Dashboard. Keep in mind that deleting your Google Account will affect each product differently. We've put together a short list describing the behavior of a few products, but be sure to read up on specific information about other products that you're using.

If you delete a Google Account linked to an AdSense account, your AdSense account will remain active, but you will lose access to it. Submit a request to cancel your AdSense account before proceeding.
If you decide to become an active AdSense publisher again, submit a new application.

Google Docs
If you delete your account, collaborators and viewers of all the Docs you own will no longer be able to access them. You can advise a collaborator to create a copy of a Doc and then share the new copy with additional viewers or collaborators. You can also reassign ownership prior to deleting your account.

Google Groups
If you're signed up for any Google Group, you'll continue to receive emails in your inbox after you've deleted your Google Account. To stop receiving emails, unsubscribe from a group by sending an email to [Groupname] For example, if you wanted to leave google-friends, you'd send an email to

To delete your Google Account, follow these steps:

1.Sign in on the Google Accounts homepage. (If you forgot your password, you can reset it).
2.Click Edit next to the "My products" list. If you don't see the Edit link, your account was likely created through an organization or company. To delete your account, talk to your domain administrator.
3.On the following page, click Close account and delete all services and info associated with it to delete your account.
4.Confirm your account deletion. To do so, you'll need to select these two options: "Yes, I want to delete my account," and "Yes, I acknowledge that I am still responsible for any charges incurred due to any pending financial transactions." (You can safely select the latter option if you haven't used any of Google's paid products, such as AdWords and Google Checkout, or if you have no pending financial transactions related to these products.)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Do you want to learn how to Advertise on Facebook Free?

Some of the “Craziest Facebook Pages” Get Noticed First, watch these Facebook extreme videos to learn how to advertise free on facebook. =>

Facebook Extreme Video Series- Reselling Market

Saturday, October 1, 2011

php cpa

If you don’t know how to run a cpanel you are not alone, many people that are just trying to start a website know nothing about a cpanel. Did you know that if you learned how to run a cpanel you can have many websites running in no time by a click of a button? Really, you can have lots of websites running today by simply taking a few minutes of your time to watch these cpanel training videos, you can have perfect running websites right now! Go on take a peak now, check them out. => Watch Cpanel Videos- Reselling Market

You probably already know a little bit about PHP and the benefits of learning PHP. If you don’t or your PHP skills are a little rusty, I would recommend checking out this website to help you master and gain the skills you need for creating or editing PHP pages here: =>
Learn How to Create PHP Pages Fast


You probably already know a little bit about PHP and the benefits of learning PHP. If you don’t or your PHP skills are a little rusty, I would recommend checking out this website to help you master and gain the skills you need for creating or editing PHP pages here: =>
Learn How to Create PHP Pages Fast

- reselling Market

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to import products to Marketpress From WP e-Commerce in Wordpress

My blog tells you how to do it, I have moved whole wordpress to new host and new domain, or do it to the same domain but new sub directory.

this will import all though but it should not hurt anything, but an easy way to product everything is to do a database backup and download it to pc, then zip up your whole entire wordpress root folder just to cpanel is fine and simple.

Then do my tutorials I found online it works, you will have all store mods, images, descriptions, posts, pages, everything.

Just remember to backup your database in database backups in cpanel, zip up whole root of wordpress folder to cpanel, downloading is not required, it will still be in there in cpanel, but you can download it if you want.

An easy way to save an entire wordpress to a new directory is the copy and paste in file manager, copy the wordpress over to new sub dir or new addon domain directory of a sub directory of where your wordpress is, just copy the wp-content folder over, that should set everything you need for another copy of your wordpress, then do the import and export method. Your good to go!

Ok it all works out!!!!

after I did the above, I went to the new store products page and clicked import and look at this!!!

This will allow you to import your products and most of their attributes from the WP e-Commerce plugin.

It appears that you have 25 products from WP e-Commerce. Click below to begin your import!

It worked out!!! Now store is transferred and import to other store works!!!

my official website to see my websites and contact me is at

I study a lot in web design and how everything works, I have video tutorials just about on every niche product, website, training courses that I provide. You can find my twitter, facebook, and major websites that I have designed or run here.

I hope this tutorial works out for you too, GOD BLESS!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

How to Wordpress From One Domain to Another?

I was trying to move my WordPress website to a new location, but the usual way you can move websites does not work, and Some stuff will not even move with it? WHY?

You have to do move WordPress with special care and technique, if you want to move the wordpress to a different location follow steps below.

NOTE!!! Backup your files first!!!!

How To Move A WordPress Blog or Website

For those of us who host our own blog or website, it is inevitable that it will have to be moved. First, you might need to move your blog if you are switching your web host. And second, you might also need to ‘move’ your website if you are transferring it to a new domain, new directory, or creating an alternate version on a local server.

Move WordPress to a New Hosting Package

Believe it or not, this is the easiest type of move. And there are two main ways to go about it.

Method 1: Use WordPress’ Built-In Import

WordPress features a built-in import to facilitate the process of moving content from one blog to another. And there are only three steps that you need to follow to get you blog up and running.

Create an export file. On your own blog, navigate to ‘Export’ and create a WordPress export file. This is a special XML files which will contain your posts, pages,comments, custom fields, categories, and tags.
Install WordPress on your new host. You will now need to create a working installation of WordPress on your new host. And be sure to upload your entire wp-content directory to the new installation.
Import the WordPress export files. Now, navigate to ‘Import’ on the new installation and upload the export file that you created in step 1. And that’s it! Your website should be completely functional.
Method 2: Work Directly With The Database

Sometimes, due to web hosting restrictions, or based on the size of your export file, Method 1 will not work so well. So now, you’ll hear about our preferred method. For this, you will need database access, (often phpMyAdmin,) and a little more technical knowledge.

Create a database dump or database export file. Access your database and download its contents. Sometimes, a web host will have a utility which ‘backs up’ a database without ever having to access the database directly.
Transfer all files. Using FTP download all files from your ‘old’ web host. And then upload them to your new web host. Be sure to update the settings in your wp-config.php file, which holds your database access information.
Import your database. You will now need to access the new database. Once it is set up, import the file that you created in step 1.

Move WordPress to a New Domain or Directory

To move WordPress to a new domain requires a few more steps. As with the steps mentioned above, you will probably need to physically change the location of your WordPress installation. In addition, you will also need to update your WordPress settings and permalinks.

New Directory

The move to a new directory is likely easier than moving to a new domain. Here are the options that we suggest:

Option 1: Move Files

Transfer all files. As in the steps above, transfer all files from the old directory to the new directory. Do not delete any files yet!
Update your WordPress settings. In the WordPress admin area for the ‘old’ directory, go to Settings->General. Update the ‘WordPress address’ and ‘Blog address’ to reflect the change. When you hit save, the blog will no longer be accessible in your old directory.
Update permalinks. Now, navigate to the new directory. You should see the blog up and running. Upload and activate the Update URLs plugin. Go to Settings->Update URLs and enter the appropriate settings to update all of your links. And presto, your website is ready to go.
Clean up. Once you verify that the transfer was successful, you can delete the files in your old WordPress directory.
Option 2: WordPress Import/Export

You can also opt for the WordPress Import/Export file method given above as Method 1. If you choose this method, you will also have to update your permalinks using the Update URLs plugin.

Option 3: Only Change URL

Sometimes, it is not possible to change the physical WordPress directory. In these cases, you can change the url by simply updating WordPress settings. To do this, go to Settings -> General. Here you will find two settings: WordPress Address and Blog Address. By updating only the Blog Address, WordPress will ‘map’ to the new directory. Note: You will need to move the index.php file to the blog address directory.

New Domain

Likewise, there are multiple ways to move to a new domain.

Method 1 – revised (WordPress Import)

To move to a new domain, we suggest Method 1 above. If you have a lot of posts, this may be tricky as the export tool has been known to ‘timeout’. However, you might be able to create multiple export files by creating one file per author. The only modification to method 1 is the step below.

4. Update permalinks. Upload and activate the Update URLs plugin. Go to Settings->Update URLs and enter the appropriate settings to update all of your links.

Method 2 – revised (Database)

Similarly, you can also opt to work directly with the database, as in Method 1. If working with the database, you will have a bit more technical work on your hands. See step 4 below.

4. Update settings with SQL. One you have successfully imported the database, you will need to update some settings to make the website functional. SQL sample queries are listed below.

Sample Query To Update WordPress Settings

UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, '', '') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';

Sample Query To Update Permalinks

UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, '','');

Sample Query to Update Any Links Embedded In Content

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '');

Sometimes, you might have omitted the www from your domain when cross-linking posts or referencing images, so you should also run the above query without the ‘www’ for your old domain.

For more information on changing the website url, see and

My cited Work for moving wordpress

All brake this down for you in easy lesson in the future, but I have moved my wordpress from one location within the same domain and it does work. All Other techniques have not been tested and I strongly recommend you to backup your files, download all your files to your desktop, just copy the folder wordpress to your pc on your desktop and then backup your sql files in your cpanel to your pc desktop too.

If you need help, or want to see more training that I provide go to my website, I will be studying in various projects and making tutorials and videos. This is a paid membership group, some training I give out for free, but for In-depth training you will need a paid membership.

My Main website that I use for all my domains is, it is a free and wonderful website where I keep all my domains in-case I move to a new domain, go to

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

All about Crystals Palace

Crystals Palace

Crystals Palace is all about finding ebooks, web scripts, websites, How to profit with ebay, how to profit with free websites. I teach how you can make your own ebooks for your websites with your own links and videos.

I have videos on joomla, wordpress, ebay, click bank, social media, myspace, facebook, twitter, affiliate videos, plus more and also give resell rights!

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