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Sunday, November 13, 2011

dolphin 7 RMS address web cam, chat, video chat setup

dolphin 7 RMS address web cam, chat, video chat setup

Here is an article

You need to setup rms with your hosting company that runs your dolphin website, some hosts support dolphin like does, if you get there hosting remember to add rms for free, or ask them to set it up so you have access to each domain you want to run dolphin chat, video chat, web cams on.

Here is what I did to my dolphin 7.0.8 setup

I went to the rms located in admin flash apps, click on settings to set this up like this

check this box use rms

rms address

rms port 1935

rms http port 5080

save this

remember to connect your host to have access to rms as well or you will get connection error

I would go with if you dont have a good host to run dolphin and they have live 24/7 chat

If you need help or want to look at my websites