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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to Track Page Load Times with Google Analytics in dolphin 7 website

How to Track Page Load Times with Google Analytics in dolphin 7 website

Many people use the popular Google Analytics as their primary means of tracking website traffic. Google Analytics provides some really detailed statistics and is pretty decent.

There are a number of customizations you can do to your Analytics code to provide additional details and stats in your account. Some people are not aware of this, but one of the simple ones you can add is Track Page Load Times.

I am placing this in the Dolphin 7 Tutorials section because further down you will see a couple of Dolphin 7 code references.

It can obviously be used with any type of website though.

After verifying you have correctly added or updated your code, you will need to wait a few hours, and preferably at least 24 hours before you start seeing data in your Google Analytics account.

Google suggests adding Analytics code to the header between Google Analytics Code tag. In Dolphin 7's case this would be:

or and in

But, you can still add it to the bottom of your page before the tag. In Dolphin 7's case this would be:

Google Analytics Code Here


